Mars Colony – The Sky is NOT the Limit
The most prestigious track offered by the Space Science Unit, this two-year research and development program offers outstanding high schoolers an informal, but high-level, entryway into the world of space science.
For more information on Mars Colony - click here
Space Science Academy
All young children are fascinated by Space. It is big, dark and mysterious. We therefore invite children as young as 5th grade to join us in the Space Science Academy where they can enjoy the true joy of discovery and uncover answers to some of their many questions about space science.
For more information on Space Science Academy- click here
The Israeli Space Week - To Infinity and Beyond!
An encounter with the sun, the stars, the solar system and so much more – this Family Space Fair, taking place during the Israeli Space Week, is an unprecedented opportunity for children, youth and families to explore space and all that it beholds, alongside the country’s best and brightest academic researchers.
For more about The Israeli Space Week - Click here
Catch a Falling Star - Stargazing Excursions for the Whole Family
Why should just the children enjoy? Several times a year, the general public of all ages are invited, free of charge, to join the Space Science Unit to view – with their own eyes - some of the most wonderful astronomical phenomena.
Hundreds of children, parents, and grandparents, grab their blankets for a night adventure with a difference. Venturing out together, to locations with low light pollution, where the stars are easiest to spot, families enjoy a two-hour guided astronomical extravaganza. Using the Unit’s state of the art equipment, participants gaze through the telescopes and enjoy the wonders of meteor showers, Saturn’s rings, Perseid shows and more.
These guided astronomical tours – both in real life and virtual – are a collaboration with the Astronomy club of the Racah Institute.