Mars Colony – The Sky is NOT the Limit



Mars Colony is the most prestigious track offered by the Space Science Unit. This two-year research and development program tasks high schoolers with investigating and developing innovative solutions to space-related scientific challenges. Throughout the process, the youngs inadvertently acquire coping mechanisms for stressful situations and team-building leadership skills.

  • 300-hour journey of space discovery attracting an average of 30 pupils each year
  • Topics relating to life on Mars, the laws of physics, astronomy, astrophysics, 3D space missions, rockets, launchers, space medicine, the manufacture of food in space and other space-related challenges
  • Advanced technology, field trips, desert camping trips
  • Interactive space colony and astronaut-life simulations
  • Preparation and analysis of full space science research report
  • A partnership with the Ministry of Technology and the Israel Space Agency



Mission on Mars Activity